Date:____________________________________ Claimant's Name: _____________________________ Address of Claimant:__________________________ ___________________________ Name of Carrier: _____________________________ Address of Carrier: __________________________ __________________________ This claim for $ ___________________ (__________________________ _____________ & ____/100 dollars) is made against the carrier named above by _________________________, Claimant, for overcharge in connection with the following shipment(s): Description of Shipment:____________________________ Name and address of Shipper:_________________________ Shipped from ____________________________ to ____________________ Final Destination: ______________________ Routed Via ____________ Bill of lading issued by ___________________________ (Company) on the __________________ day of _________________, 19___, Paid freight bill No. _________________ Truck No. _____________ and initials ___________________________, Name and Address of recipient __________________. Nature of Overcharge:__________________________ DETAILED STATEMENT SHOWING HOW AMOUNT CLAIMED IS DETERMINED Number of packages ___________________, articles _______________, weight ___________, rate ___________, charges ______________, amount of overcharge ________________ Dollars. Authority for rate or classification claimed:_____________________________________________________ In addition to the information given above, the following documents are submitted in support of this claim: (___________) 1. Original Bill of lading, if not previously surrendered by carrier. (___________) 2. Original Paid freight ("expense") bill. (___________) 3. Original Invoice or Certified Copy (___________) 4. Weight Certificate or certified statement when claim is based on misrouting or valuation. (___________) 5. Other Particulars obtainable in proof of loss or damage claimed: ____________________________________________. Remarks:________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________. The above statement of facts is hereby certified as correct. Dated:________________________________. ______________________________________ CLAIMANT